Choose Your Package

A wonderfully inspiring co creative conversation
Feel listened to and find your important answers
Feel encouraged, inspired and supported
Discover your next right action to fulfilment
Reveal your magnificence and uniqueness
Personally Crafted Affirmations
Tips, Tools and Phrases for your daily life
book your free 15 minute call
Discovery Session to set expectations
Angel /Oracle card session
Useful exercises and techniques to dispel your saboteur
Creating your life purpose statement
Meet your glorious future self
Accountability to hit your goals and meet your deadlines
In depth co creative conversations to reveal your vision
Weekly or biweekly sessions
to boost your confidence
Closing session and recap
book your free 15 minute call
Discover what is holding you back
Answering powerful questions
Values Exercise & tools for
your daily life to feel inspired
A deep dive into your year long coaching program
Walking through specific questions & docs sent out prior
Designing our alliance (Co active coaching relationship)
book your free 15 minute call
Discovery Session - establishing
expectations,1/3/6/12 month
EXPERENTIAL HEALING Sessions ( unblocking you)
CIRCLE OF CONFIDENCE - Stepping into your Unlimited Power
Meeting you SABOTEUR and setting it FREE!
Closing Session - recap & moving forward
Recorded sessions
Accountability from week to week
book your free 15 minute call
Payment options
